The inhabitants of these lands have known the taste of good wine since the days of the Romans and probably even before them. Modern day Moldova was once an ancient Roman colony. The Romans had an immense influence on the methods of local winemaking and wine consumption traditions.
After Basarabia was joined to Russia, a decree of the land’s authorities, issued in 1827, created the first specialized winemaking company in Purcari. As early as 1847, during an agricultural exhibition held in Basarabia, Purcari wines showed fine expression and tasters were impressed by its delicate bouquet and dense, full taste. Thus, this wine, Negru de Purcari, was awarded its first gold medal. Then in 1878 the Purcari winemakers brought their wines to the Paris World Exhibition. During the closed-doors wine tasting session, the majority of the jury gave preference to a dry, densely-colored red wine, thinking that it was a new brand from the famous Bordeaux region. They were surprised to learn that the beverage came from an unknown village called Purcari, situated on the river Nistru. Negru de Purcari thus earned the highest form of recognition on the international stage by being awarded the Gold Medal.
More recently, in 2003, these famous Purcari wines were re-established when the Vinaria Purcari Company took over management.
The chief purpose of creating this company was to revive the production of unique, historic wine blends, such as Negru de Purcari and Rosu de Purcari. The production facility in the Purcari area was rebuilt, where the quality of the soil and the climate create ideal conditions for viticulture, with proven results. The Purcari production facility was fully revived and upgraded, and the old cellars, built as far back as 1827, were renovated. Today the cellars are among the oldest and most famous in Moldova. The Purcari estate is one of Moldova’s showcase attractions.
By April 2006, the high quality and exquisite taste of its wines brought Vinaria Purcari 27 awards won at various specialized international contests and wine tastings.