The wines of Purcari are steeped in tradition and history going back thousands of years. Formerly the property of the Afono-Zagraf Monastery, Purcari winery was established in 1827. In 1878 at the Paris World Exhibition the jury awarded the gold medal to a dry, densely coloured red wine which they believed to be a new brand wine from the Bordeaux region. They were surprised to learn that the wine came from an unknown village called Purcari situated on the river Nistru.Purcari wines have enjoyed a royal following throughout the years and were ordered to the tables of historic figures such as the Russian Emperor Nikolay II, King George V and Queen Victoria. Locally the variety of Negru de Purcari is referred to as the “Queen of England’s Wine” as Queen Elizabeth II regularly orders the 1990 vintage.
As of April 2006, Purcari Winery has won 27 awards at specialized international contests and wine tasting for the high
quality and exquisite taste of its wines.
King George V and Queen Elizabeth Nicolay II